Martin Mystére
I did this during 2016-2017 (first season) and then again in 2019-2020 (second season).
Just the first season was a 12-issue project, each issue being 94 pages long. A total amount of 1128 pages, the biggest project I've ever managed to color.
Of all the pages I've set the general mood and added special effects and lights, while coordinating a few collaborators. Alessandro Musumeci, Elisa Sguanci, Giulia Adragna, and Francesca Tomaghelli followed my lead and helped me during these four years of huge work.
Martin Mystere - The New Color Adventures #1-12
internal color + covers color
©Sergio Bonelli Editore, 2016-2017
Martin Mystere - The New Color Adventures #1-7
internal color + covers color
©Sergio Bonelli Editore, 2019-2020
©2020 Daniele Rudoni. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.